Wednesday, June 22, 2005


The man who reviews the sides of creeks was talking bout TV the other day. So I ask you all: have you seen the new Morgan Spurlock show "30 Days"? It looks good and he's a likeable enough fella and in general it sounds just right up my alley.


Ofc. Krupke said...

I suggest that Spurlock do a show where he goes 30 days without food or water. Or cameras. In the Andes.

You can tell me I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

TJ said...

The reason I think this show will probably work? Even if the show focuses less on his little adventures, Spurlock is a funny guy. When he tells the guy in his movie that he's going to punch his son in the face every time they drive past a McDonald's so the kid associates the place with pain? That's funny.

As for the minimum wage scheme, check out Barbara Ehrenreich's book Nickel and Dimed. She got robbed by Spurlock on this. She tries it for 30 days in 3 different U.S. cities. Fails every time. Except when she gets 3 jobs.