Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Whether or not they've done it?


TJ said...

Are they still alive? Amazing. It's like wondering who shot JR. Or where the beef is.

Mathis said...

Alisa: That's very funny and, I would guess, quite possibly very true.

Trevor: That's sort of why it came into my mind last night as I stared numbly at the television. The show has been on for so long...I felt like I saw them perhaps in a too-filtered light. There they were: two sad, pathetic, completely defined television personalities, and it just seemed like - I don't know. How could they not have, after all those years?

TJ said...

If they haven't, and I'm being serious, what other couple in the world has as odd a relationship? What rituals and habits exist between them? Inside jokes, tolerable eccentricities, and ones that make Vanna wanna smack Pat's pink ass? Yeah, you're right, I do wonder now.

Mathis said...

I'm re-reading my comment and I'm finding it difficult to justify my use of the word "numbly", though it does appear to be an actual word.

Anonymous said...

Vanna and Pat three-way.

Would you?

mistah charley, ph.d. said...

On our local station Jeopardy is on after Wheel of Fortune, and as I sometimes turn on and tune in early I've noticed the sameness yet differentness of WoF over the years. There's been prize inflation, and more "speed rounds", but the basic template was set way back when. Vanna wanted to be an actress, Pat a talk show host - it was not to be; but don't most of us have unrealized ambitions - better to try and fail than not try at all.

On Jeopardy, they are having the "ultimate tournament of champions" - I can't help but think that this is the swan song season for that show.

May the Creative Forces of the Universe have mercy on our souls, if any.