Thursday, November 18, 2004


Have it your way, pricks. Also, let this post be forever proof of my utter lack of convictions and typically instant regret.


T.S. said...

Ahhhh, much better.

Ian said...

Damn. I was enjoying that.

BK/CK said...

I'm confused, why did you pull that post? Were you fearing reprisal from novel-writing bloggers?

Mathis said...

Well, I sort of made it a rule of mine to not really air my opinions of other bloggers on my blog. Nor do I really have any intention to discuss blogs in general, though of course I occasionally break that rule. I think blogs are really stupid, and it just rankles me when others take them so seriously. I let my righteous indignation get the best of me on that last post. Do I hate that literary agent that tries to sign bloggers to book deals? Yeah, sort of. Did it deserve a post on the world's most brilliant weblog? Not really.